The Book is titled "The Sisters Antipodes"

Here is the book review as posted from the New York Times.

My Father, Your Father
Published: March 26, 2009
Imagine four little girls — Jane and Maggy Cummins, Jenny and Patricia Stuart, two pairs of sisters, each pair of approximately the same age — who are deeply bonded to one another, all the more so because their smart, glamorous mothers and fathers are the closest of friends. In fact, the Americans Paul and Helen Stuart and the Australians Edward and Rosemary Cummins (both men are foreign service officers) become so inseparable that within a few months they trade partners. Jenny and Patricia’s father, Paul, becomes Maggy and Jane’s stepfather — and their father, Edward, moves in with Jenny and Patricia and their mother.
Steady 70
Jane Alison
By Jane Alison
By 277 pp. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $23
Jane Cummins (now Jane Alison), the author of “The Sisters Antipodes,” tells us that the “split,” as she bluntly calls these rearrangements, left the four girls in shock — a “numb shock like a crack inside a stone . . . silently fissuring.” “We formed ourselves around the primary facts of the split,” she explains, adding that within each girl lay “a mass of fantasy, jealousy and longing that was crucial and would define us.”