To capture some of these images I had to hiked mountains, walked under waterfalls, hang from a bungee cords, scaled and climbed old rickety ladders, I had to hang out of moving cars, hang off a building, tied and able to hang out of a helicopter, climbed an 80 foot boom while sailing on the open seas, or swung from a top of a zip line spanning a crevasse the size of Rhode Island…
I have been under or eye level to so many rainbows, I have got caught in a thunderstorms I have see lightning hit water and trees, I have nearly been blown off a 50 story tower. . I have tried and used whatever leverage I could muster to find.
Naples, San Fran, LA, Acapulco, Santa Fe, Saint Barths, Antigua, Ohio, Canada, Livingston, Jamaica, Iowa, Amsterdam, London, NYC, and even the OC…
The goal was to capture mages for my clients……… Whatever it takes to get the shot I have never complained and never will complain it is a coolest rush ever.………
Enjoy! Steve