The story could be something so great or so stupid, it could be magical, it could be inspirational or it could be as boring as about waiting in a line at a 7-11 or driving in your car or sitting in baggage claim area in an airport that is how the story will start. It will be like this ....let me tell you a story .... or I just had the most ... or have you heard...
All the while we start to put ourselves into that story that situation and you start to think and to begin to act a certain way, or respond a certain way, to pretend to you can actually hear the voices, the music, * (the background noise) you can smell the air, you can feel the situation... You can BE right there in the thick of it...
If you are a good story teller as you are watcher of life your audience no matter how large or small will be experiencing this with you, as it is appears... right in front of you right in front of them... You are there in that moment~
As it appears....... As a story teller, as much as a good story teller that I am.. I find myself as a witness each and every day at any time every moment I am watching I am absorbing I am asking myself if is this worthy. Is this moment worthy of my time? If this moment is actually worth showing to you my client, or to my potential client, to my friends to my family is it good enough for me?
If this image worthy of telling a story The Story! The story of that moment.... Am I a good witness that shows you, Am I a good witness that can bring you into that moment make you feel that moment. Am I a good witness that wants to make you Re-tell this story?
My life is like a video gamers life staring at a monitor or at a TV, instead of the gamers graphics changing colors or backgrounds or moods or ducking from a bullets, or jumping into a car seat... +REz.jpg)
My story is this I find myself looking through a hole less then 1/2 inch wide and 1/2 an inch high.... I see everything clear in focus, I can feel the mood, I can smell the air, I can taste life, but it always comes back to one thing.... Am I a good story teller? Is my audience no matter how large or small are they experiencing it as I just did.. As it is appeared in front of me as I have just experienced it...