I was such a tourist......... Finding time to sit and watch other artist paint, sketch photograph the great lawns the swans and the tourist that mingled in the grass with locals reading or playing cards in Arkhangelskoe Park, Gorky Park ...

How can I explain how much I enjoyed myself!

I still hear my friends voices as I flip through images... I recount the laughs I had, the sharpness of music that cut through the air and danced well past sunrise on numerous nights. The joys of Moscow some of the best French, Georgian and Japanese foods that I ever ate, Together with friends and views from the top of the Ritz at O2 Lounge or Kalina Bar // Калина Бар, Krysha Mira, Propaganda and others venues having drinks to the sound of rush hour traffic the smell perfume mixing with the smells of the bakeries below…………

Жизнь является Большой / Life is Great..................